Having problems with maintaining your concentration at work? Try drinking more water.
This is so very simple yet not something I had thought of before a client mentioned this to me last week.
John reported that his efforts to drink more water were reaping unexpected dividends for him – better concentration and focus at work.
There has been very little scientific research into the effects of mild dehydration, but John and I did find a number of studies pointing to a connection between dehydration and lack of focus.
One study reported in December 2011 by the Journal of Nutrition researched the effects of mild dehydration on healthy young women. The study concluded that “degraded mood, increased perception of task difficulty, lower concentration, and headache symptoms resulted from 1.36% dehydration in females.”
This is a simple experiment to try at work. If you are having trouble focusing at work, up your water intake and see if you notice any improvement.
Let me know what you discover.
(And in case you are wondering, I consumed a glass of water while writing this post.)