Editor’s note: I am delighted to have AMP (Associate Mentoring Plus) coach Janiene Chand joining the writing team here at Attorney With A Life with this insightful first article about your own self-care. Something most of us forget all the time!
How often do you take a moment for yourself to pause and reflect? We often get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to do exactly this.
As a lawyer, I recall how often I would set a goal for myself, achieve it, and move on to setting the next goal. I did not take the time to celebrate my accomplishments. I was always too busy trying to reach a certain vision I had set for myself. In the process of trying to reach this destination, I did not take the time to enjoy the journey. I did not take the time I should have taken to celebrate all the wins along the way.
Can you relate?
Through coaching, I realized just how important it was to take a moment for myself to pause and reflect on all that I had accomplished. All the big and small achievements.
My coach suggested that I begin writing down all of my accomplishments and achievements – from the past and present. This included anything that I was proud of, something I considered a win. I would write them down on little post-it notes and put them into a special canister my coach had gifted.
Once a week I would take out a random handful of these little notes to read through. This helped me reflect on those moments and remember all that I had achieved, how hard I had worked to get where I was.
This practice started to create a positive ripple effect. It helped me stay motivated, even when things were not going well. I was able to look at these wins and shift my perspective. Instead of focusing on all the things that were not going well, I was able to pause and reflect on all that
had gone well. This reframe helped me feel empowered and grateful.
Give it a try. Take out a few moments a week to truly acknowledge and celebrate your achievements. There is plenty to be proud of in our lives, we just need to take a moment to pause and reflect all that we have accomplished.
Need support with reframing? Feel free to reach out to me at janiene@janienechandcoaching.com.