The gift of thanks is precious. This morning I had the opportunity to listen in on a thank you voicemail message from a client to a lawyer I know. The lawyer had sent over a holiday gift basket to the company and a senior member of the executive called to express his thanks. His voicemail message was truly inspiring and reminded me about how an adeptly delivered thank you takes little time to give and can bring great happiness to the recipient. Here’s what he did:
- He picked up the phone and made a call.
- He spoke slowly and told a story about how the gift basket was received and how everyone on the team appreciated it.
- He expressed sincere thanks.
The lawyer was delighted by the message.
In these pre-Christmas days many of us working in the legal sector are sending and receiving gifts. Often times in the interest of expediency we will send a quick email of thanks and certainly that is sufficient to check the proper etiquette box. I encourage you though to take just an extra moment and make a phone call instead. Happiness is contagious.